Please make sure your final output file is a pdf document. You can submit handwritten solutions for non-programming exercises or type them using R Markdown, LaTeX or any other word processor. All programming exercises MUST be done in R, typed up clearly and with all code attached. Submissions should be made on gradescope: go to Assignments \(\rightarrow\) Homework 5.
Part (d): Given \(y_{i2}\) values for 50 new (test) subjects, describe in as much detail as possible, how you would use the Gibbs sampler to predict new \(y_{i1}\) values, given the \(y_{i2}\) values, from the “conditional posterior predictive distribution” of \((y_{i1} | y_{i2})\).
You are not expected to derive the maximum likelihood estimators for the two parameters. If you don’t know what the MLEs are, you can look up the forms (just the forms!) online.
Hoff problem 7.4.
You can find the data mentioned in the question here:
For 7.4(d), part (ii) is NOT required but feel free to attempt it for practice; you are only required to submit answers to parts (i) and (iii). For 7.4(d)(i), there is no need to read or complete the entire Exercise 7.1, simply take the Jeffrey’s prior (same as the prior on the class slides) and find the corresponding full conditionals.
20 points.